Australian Art


Born: 1956 Cologne
  • Abstract
  • Drawings
  • Mixed Media
  • Painter

Claudia Clauss
1956 born in Cologne
1969 study at the educational academy Ruhracademie
1979-1994 Art teacher in Cologne, Bottrop , parallel to that further education Jürgen Störr and Winfried Bodemer for applied art
Right now Claudia Clauss is living and working in Cologne
1992 “Kolüsch” Die Suppenküche
1993 "homeless people"
art calendar, collage, cole illustrations
1993 “Osmunda Lunaris” Witsch kokebook, illustrations and text to a history for the last wish
1994 “Error space” a solar table Play, without batteries
7 solo exhibitions BBK, ArtRoute, old fairy and Petersburger room, several exhibitions with refugium atelier

Claudia Clauss’s paintings are concrete, but not a reflection of nature.
She is painting like her emotions. She is detached by their forms but they are still recognizable as that what they should present, a rose, an orchid, iris or tree in fog. Her paintings aren't meticulousy planed and organised. With her spontanious way of painting she retaines dynamic and expression.
Only her portraits, most of them in oil, have unavoidably a concept. But in this case too, what have been confirmed by the client, the soul of the person resonate.
Humans in movement, like sportsman or dancer, besides flowers and landscapes are her preferred topics, because they come towards her
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