Australian Art


Born: 1960 Adelaide, SA
  • Contemporary
  • Photographer
  • Established


Curriculum Vitae


1960 Born, Adelaide
1973, 1975-76 Resident Udine, Italy
1975 - 76 State Institute for Fine Arts, Udine
1979 North Adelaide School of Art
1983 - 85 Executive Director, Mico Ltd
1985 - Residencies between Europe, Australia and extensive international journeys

Solo Exhibitions

1983 James Harvey Gallery, Sydney
1992 Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide
1993 Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide
1994 Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide
1996 Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide
1999 North Adelaide School of Art Gallery
2002 Daguerre’s Gallery, Melbourne
Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide
Gramma Space, Melbourne
2004 Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide

Group Exhibitions

1999 Chronologic, Planet Art Gallery, Capetown, South Africa
1999-2000 Picture This, Newland Gallery, Adelaide and touring selected regional museums
2000 Picture This, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane
2000 New Thinking is Rare, Riddoch Art Gallery, Mt Gambier; Port Pirie Regional Art Gallery, Port Pirie
2001 2001 An Art Odyssey (Centenary of Federation Exhibition), Leigh Street, Adelaide
2002 Scotch College, Charles Fisher Chapel, Adelaide
2003 Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide
Schubert Award, Gold Coast City Art Gallery
Prince Alfred College, Adelaide
Restricted Area, Nexus Gallery Installation, Adelaide
Installation at Arts SA, Adelaide
The Waterhouse Prize Exhibition, South Australia Museum, Adelaide
2004 The Affordable Art Fair, Sydney
3 Years to Life, Flinders University Art Museum

Films/Cinema/Digital Media

1996 "Temporary Connection" (Director/Producer) - Digital Beta Format
1997 "Temporary Connection", New Adelaide Film Festival
2000 “Ten Minutes at Midnight” (Director/Producer) - Digital Beta Format
2002 “Symphony No1” A 12 (Screen DVD audio/visual artwork)
2003 “SALA” Moving Image Festival, “Ten Minutes at Midnight”, “Temporary Connection” 2nd Cut


1994 “Aspects of Humanity”, (50 colour pages)
1999 “Picture This”, Group Exhibition Catalogue


Art Gallery of South Australia; Flinders University Art Museum; Wyatt Foundation, Adelaide; Nick Greiner, Sydney; Australian Taxation Office, Adelaide; Events Corporation, SA; Greg Norman, Florida, USA; Private collections in Italy, Austria, England, USA, Australia


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All text and images © 2004-2022