Australian Art


Raven Dark
Raven Dark

AKA: Jennifer Singleton
  • Drawings
  • Painter
  • Portrait
  • Water Colour
Die For Love
Die For Love

I was drawn to the world of Faery from an early age, and just love spending my spare time even now, painting and drawing elves, faeries, witches, mermaids, vampires, and any wonderful creature of dark, otherworldly beauty.

I love to read and write poetry, and have had some poems published in anthologies. I am inspired in both my writing and painting by Norse and Celtic mythology, fantasy and pre-Rafael art, the works of JRR Tolkien, metal/gothic music (H.I.M and Nightwish), and romantic poetry (especially the work of WB Yeats, John Keats, and my dear friend, Niko).

The artists I greatly admire include Jessica Galbreth, Kim Turner, Amy Brown, Maxine Gadd, Brian Froud, Sheila Wolk, Selina Fenech, Marci McDonald, Alan Lee, and John Waterhouse.

Offensive Opinions?
Hi Jennifer, I would like to use one of your artworks for a book I am writing. I have a guided meditation with the ArchAngel Gabriel in it and your art displays her exactly as I picture her. I am wondering if you are on Twitter and we could connect. My Twitter name is DanielleCPace.
Danielle of the Dance 25/10/2020 6:49:58 PM
Hi Jennifer, I would like to use one of your artworks for a book I am writing. I have a guided meditation with the ArchAngel Gabriel in it and your art displays her exactly as I picture her. I am wondering if you are on Twitter and we could connect. My Twitter name is DanielleCPace.
Danielle of the Dance 25/10/2020 6:49:58 PM
Hi Jen it's Christy from Myspace. I have been trying for years to find you and hopefully reconnect. You already know I adore you and your work. I've missed you, as well as Renata and others. I hope to hear from you. If your on Facebook, you can find me . My name there is Christy Swain Cook.
Boogerlover1973 2/09/2019 6:52:52 AM


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