Australian Art


Bush Baby pastel
Bush Baby pastel

AKA: Louise Page

Born: 1963 Melbourne
  • Contemporary
  • Digital
  • Drawings
  • Figurative
  • Mixed Media
  • Photographer
  • Portrait
  • Realist
Pointilism - ink pen
Pointilism - ink pen

I have been sketching since I was very young. I did go to University, many years ago to study Graphic Design, but found my interest was mainly in illustration, for which I was employed in a design studio in Melbourne for a period of time.
Since then, I have enjoyed creating pastel, ink pen and pencil 'works' for pleasure and have been commissioned to design business cards and logos.
These days, due to other professional and family commitments, I produce the 'odd' original piece, but prefer to sell prints of my originals.
My father was also a professional watercolour artist and an architect. We used to travel around the country side photographing various subjects, which gave us some wonderful subjects to create our respective (subjects) art works from.
Otherwise, I work from photographs that others have given me.
The pictures I have posted here are: Pastel Bush Baby, done in pastel (obviously) with the detail as fine as a hair: Pointilism male nude, done in ink pen with no lines drawn, purely miniscule ink pen dots; lastly a pencil sketch of a Koala.
My work is done, mostly, on A3 papers, with some occaissionally on A4.
By the way, I also do digital art/photography. For examples of such, go to my website and click on the link to "DigiFlicks". I must admit I've become a little bit obsessed with this medium and am constantly learning. :)
Koala pencil sketch
Koala pencil sketch


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