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Marco Esu was born in San Gavino Monreale (a small town in Sardinia) on 16 December 1973. He took his first steps in the art world when he was just 8 years old, initially showing interest in the figurative arts. Subsequently, thanks to his sisters who were studying piano, Marco began to take an interest in music and with some help from them, he learned his first tunes.
When he was about fifteen years old, Marco began to study the guitar and create his first melodies in his own distinctive style, eventually making him stand out from the others in his field. Being self-taught initially and listening to a wide range of musical styles, including Jazz, he grew to love improvisation, which will often feature widely in most of his concerts.
Having studied the guitar for two years, Marco then decided to learn the technical side of music from Antonello Lixi, a guitarist he held in high esteem. Lixi taught him the technique and theory involved with his instrument and also instilled in him a passion for South American music, which was an important part of the maestro’s repertoire at the time. Marco also studied with other maestri like Patrice Graff (otherwise known as “Tito”), Jorge Cardoso at a specialisation course in classical guitar and other specialisation courses arranged by maestro Marco Meloni, the director of “la Nuova Accademia”.
When he was sixteen, Marco began to play in bands as their solo guitarist, moving from one genre to another. This experience enabled him to learn more and more styles of music and taught him to appreciate the pleasure of performing for an audience, something that he adores.
In 1994 Marco won a regional competition for electric guitars (solo 6 corde) by presenting improvised tunes for the guitar and a beautiful composition by guitarist Joe Satriani (Midnight).
Marco performed with groups like Slamina and Wizard but it was Axioma that had considerable success with the public and also some journalists who wrote some interesting articles about them. Axioma’s musical genre was barely acceptable in Sardinia and was practically censored due to the band’s “Rock” style. However, thanks to their fans and concerts dedicated to Rock and Metal music, they were still able to perform their repertoire and produced their own CD.
Axioma featured Marco Esu at the guitar, Giovanni Serra at the bass, Giuseppe Melis on drums and Emanuele Pittau was the singer and responsible for lyrics. Fabrizio Melas had been the band’s first drummer and it was with him that the band was initially formed.
Marco took up his solo career again in 1996, setting his dear friend, song-writer and singer, Simone Utzeri’s lyrics to music. Together with Simone, Marco was able to sing in various venues and musical festivals and some favourable articles were written about their artistic musical achievements and poetic work.
Marco and Simone then formed another band, which they called S.A.A.S.D.N.A. The band, which specialised in experimental music, featured Andrea Ruggeri on drums and Stefano Porceddu on bass and were later joined by Emanuele Contis on the saxophone, Matteo Muntoni on the bass and Valentina Urban as the singer and on the violoncello. They performed the drummer’s compositions, which were arranged by the band. At the same time, Marco decided to also perform in the “Marco Esu Duo”, which participated in the Sant’Anna Arresi International Jazz Festival, one of the most important jazz events in Sardinia. Marco then worked with fashion designer, Zigno (who he respects and admires for his brilliance) and with him, he was able to perform his compositions live on television and in many other fashion parades with Sardinian designers of haute couture and famous models.
It was thanks to the fashion parades that Marco was also able to work with the great Sardinian painter, Sergio Putzu, who is very interested in social problems and the maintenance of popular traditions.
With all these experiences behind him, Marco then worked with the on-line newspaper, Capitanata.it and wrote a number of articles for their music section. The Internet proved to be invaluable for him in publicising his most recent work during September 2003.
After an initial presentation period on their site, Marco signed a contract with Sabino Mogavero at Idyllium s.n.c., who found him ideal for his style of publishing. At the same time, his involvement with Italian sites like Jazzitalia.net and “Portare la musica - a group of young and famous Italian musicians, bound by the aim of offering music, a gift they themselves received, to those who would otherwise not have access to it.
Offering high-level concerts to the disabled, the ill, elderly people, inmates, children in need, we try to contribute in destroying the walls of prejudice and selfishness and to realise an exchange of experiences and communication.” also helped him to learn a great deal and to raise his profile.
Marco’s new CD was completed after this period and he called it “U.S.E. Angiola”. The CD features ten classic guitar tracks in various styles. The CD’s success enables him, together with his publisher at Idyllium, to obtain an international recording contract with Australian record producing company, Blue Pie Productions. It is thanks to its CEO, Damien Reilly, that the CD will be released in various countries, like Australia, the United States, New Zealand, Canada and Italy. The CD already appears on many soundtracks in Australia.
Marco has many plans for the future, including a new CD and more musical and artistic publications. Amongst the many artists with whom he has performed on the same stage are names like Andrea Parodi (a talented singer with a number of recordings), Piero Marras and Elena Ledda, Timoria and Flor de Mal. He has also been professionally involved with fashion designers from all over Sardinia and London, models and presenters like Ambra Pintore or Arianna Accorte, who are both models and TV presenters and Valentino Meloni. Also important to mention are Marco’s participation in a number of peace demonstrations and musical events. …