Australian Art


Nest performance Mirre van Dal
Nest performance Mirre van Dal

AKA: Mirre
  • Abstract
  • Contemporary
  • Installation
  • Mixed Media
  • Performance
  • Sculptor
  • Sound
  • Video
  • Established
Installation view Zwarte Bloem
Installation view Zwarte Bloem

Mirre's background is in at therapy. In her art, Mirre expresses the ‘humanness of being’ using a variety of materials to explore the beauty and pain of our human existence.

She let the visual elements of her works speak the unspeakable.

In the process of visual communication, she is playful at times, emotional another or evocative when needed.

The creative dance of images and feelings move her on a journey of discovery using a broad variety of materials of artistic melodies.

In doing this, she allows the observer to feel the beauty, vulnerability, and spirituality of their own humanness.
Salve, mixed media, 160 x 160
Salve, mixed media, 160 x 160


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