Australian Art


  • Contemporary
  • Mixed Media
  • Established

Born in Adelaide, South Australia, Richard Tipping currently lives in Newcastle NSW, where he lectures at the university in the School of Design, Communication and Information Technology. He has three children, and is astonished to have recently become a grandfather.

Selected solo exhibitions
2003 Exit Strategy, The Studio, Sydney Opera House
(December 03-January 04)
2003 Street Talk, Banning Gallery, New York
2002 Public Works, Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide
2001 One Two Many, Multiple Box, Sydney
1998 Versions, Ubu Gallery, New York
1997 Hear the Art, The Eagle Gallery, London
1996 Multiple Pleasures, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney

Selected group exhibitions
2003 Sculpture by the Sea, Sydney
2003 Art Australia, Galerie Seippel, Germany - touring four cities
2003 The National Sculpture Prize and Exhibition, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra (and touring)
2002 Sculpture in the City, Sydney
2002 Text Art Object, Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Cologne
1999 Word, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
1998 Sculpture by the Sea, Sydney
1997 Sculpture by the Sea, Sydney
1997 The Subverted Object, Ubu Gallery, New York
1993 Lightworks, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
1993 The 5th Australian Sculpture Triennial, Melbourne
1992-93 The 9th Biennale of Sydney, The Boundary Rider
1992 The Trial, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Selected commissions
2002 Signed Signs. Powerhouse Centre for the Live Arts
2000 Watermark (Flood), Powerhouse Centre, Brisbane
1999 Signs Signed, Piazza for Art Circolo, Munich
1999 Art Lifts, Lifting Art, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
1998 Sounding Silence, Cataract Gorge, Launceston, Tasmania
1997 Hear the Art, Australia House London (funded by DFAT)
1996 Hear the Art (Earth Heart), Lake Macquarie City Art Gallery

2000 Visual Arts/Craft Fund, Australia Council, new work grant

His poetry has been included in many anthologies including The Penguin Book of Modern Australian Poetry and the New Oxford Book of Australian Verse.


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All text and images © 2004-2022