The Shinto Cushion
Lives and works in Hanaskog, Sweden
Represented in Australia by Uber Gallery
1967-71 Studied painting, linoblock printing techniques and engraving in Denmark and France, and under lithographer Pierre Chave in Vence.
1972 Began working with ceramics uner Christine Pedley, La Borne France.
1974-75 Travelled thoughout Japan, studying in Mashiko with Takeo Suto. Began working with salt-glaze kilns.
1977 Joined in Mashiko by Tsuneo Narui. Initiated usage of the Tanegashima style of Yakishime firing at “Ryutagama” with Takashi Nakazato in Karatsu. Travelled throughout Korea to study Kimji pottery.
1978 Introduced Yakishime firing to France. Built the first tunnel kiln (teppo-gama) in La Borne, conceived for Tanegashima figures and built of unfired clay bricks.
1983 Further travels through Japan to study Tanegashima firing. Assistant in the studio of Shigeoshi Morioka at Amano.
1984 Participated in the first firing of the Bizen-type kiln “France-Mushashi” in Auneuil, France. Visited Kobe, Japan, for an exhibition of the resulting pots.
1985 Reconstructed the Tunnel Kiln in La Borne using unfired clay bricks and cob. The 14 day firing of the new kiln later became the subject for the film “Histoire Sur Le Vent” by Gérard Gendrau.
1986 Moved to Sweden where he constructed a Thai-type anagama kiln at Hålltorp, Lidköping, producing earthenware pottery from local clay.
1989 Established a workshop in the valley of Fyledalen, Sweden, producing glazed stoneware.
1992 First experiences with low temperature firing and surface treatmeants with smoke. First sculptures on the “Torii” theme.
1995 Began teaching at the Kuben College of Art in Örebro, Sweden. First cushion form sculptures.
1997 Created a workspace in Neuilly-en-Sancerre, France.
1999 Workspace established in Kristianstad, Sweden.
2002 Conference including slideshow (diaporama) in the Museu de Cerámica in Manises, Spain. Workshop in Valencia, Spain.
2003 Conference and workshop at the Escuela de Arte y Superior de Disenõ, Castellón, Spain.

The Shinto Casket
2003 Gallerie Lydie Wind Soest, Netherlands
2003 Galleri ABCD Malmö, Sweden
2003 Galleri Pictor Munka Ljunby, Sweden
2003 Bispegården Kalundborg, Denmark
2003 Påskutställning Brösarp, Sweden
Christinehofs Slott
2003 Salon de Strasbourg St’Art Strasbourg, France
2002 Påskutställning, Ragnar Pers Gärsnäs, Sweden
2002 Gallerie Francois Dudouit Honfleur, France
2001 Gästeudstiller, 5:e Valencia, Spain
Biennal International de Ceramica
2001 Galleri Kellum København, Denmark
2001 Galleri Nørby København, Denmark
2001 Galleri Pierre Paris, France
2001 Galleri KAOLIN Stockholm, Sweden
2001 Påskutställning, Gärsnäs, Sweden
Ragnar Pers i
2000 Galleri ABCD Malmö, Sweden
2000 3:e Biennale de la Céramique France
de Villiers sur Marne
2000 Galleri Sarver Paris, France
2000 Galleri Du DON Montpellier-Montsalvy, France
2000 Påskudstilling, Kivik, Sweden
Mellby Atelier
1999 Gold Coast International Gold Coast, Australia
Ceramic Art Award
1999 Gallerie Hamelin Honfleur, France
1999 Gallerie Solvognen Odense, Denmark
1998 Galleri ABCD Malmö, Sweden
1998 Filosofgangen Odense, Denmark
1998 Galleri Kellum København, Denmark
1998 Biennale Céramique Langeais, France
1998 Kunsthuis, Ingrith Desmet Kortrijk, Belgium
1998 Galleri Elise Toft Kolding, Denmark
1998 Galleri Hamelin Honfleur, France
1997 Kontshall Tomelilla, Sweden
1997 Plymouth Arts Centre Plymouth, UK
1997 Contemporary European Ceramics
1997 Kontshall Lidköping, Sweden
1996 Galleri ABCD Malmö, Sweden
1996 Europäische Keramik 96 Frechen, Germany
1996 Fondation de Moerbei Amsterdam, Netherlands
1996 Ragnarpers Gärsnäs, Sweden
1996 European Ceramics Knaresborough, UK
1995 Centre de Céramique La Borne, France
1994 Galleri ABCD Malmö, Sweden
1994 Galleri Svarta Soffan Stockholm, Sweden
1994 Galleri Lerverket Göteborg, Sweden
1994 Galleri Nørby København, Denmark
1992 Galleri Leonelli Lausanne, Switzerland
1990 Galleri Formagruppen Malmö, Sweden
1990 Musée des Arts Décoratifs Paris, France
1987 Atelier d’Art Floral du Teck Paris, France
1986 Lidköpings Hantverks-och Lidköping, Sweden
1986 Galleri Marianne Heller Heidelberg, Germany
1986 Galleri Le Sorbier Paris, France
1984 The Oxford Gallery Oxford, UK
1984 Galleri Böwig Hannover, Germany
1984 Galleri du Centre Genevois Geneva, Switzerland
1984 Biennale Céramique Elbeuf, France
1984 Sogo Departmentstore Kobe, Japan
1984 Rufford Craft Centre Nottingham, UK
1983 Galleri Marianne Heller Heidelberg, Germany
1982 Musée Municipal du Chateau Vallauris, France
1982 Galleri Grenier de Villatre Nancay, France
1982 Théatre Paul Eluard Choisy le Roi, France
1982 Centre Ikebana Paris, France
1981 Musée des Arts Décoratifs Paris, France
1981 Galleri Potshop Amsterdam, Netherlands
1980 Palazzo delle Esposizioni Faenza, Italy
1980 Galleri Pot Sierlijk The Hague, Netherlands
1979 Galleri Rempart Bordeaux, France
1978 Galleri Art et Métiers Toulon, France
1977 Galleri Romando Utsonomia, Japan