Australian Art


  • Contemporary
  • Drawings
  • Figurative
  • Installation
  • Mixed Media
  • Painter
  • Portrait
Tanmaya Bingham
Tanmaya Bingham

2005 Master of Arts - Visual Arts (Painting) (MAVA), Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
2002 Bachelor of Arts (BA), Antioch University, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Certification In Life Coaching, The Coaching Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Certification in Trainers Training & Public Speaking, The Coaching Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Certification In NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), The Coaching Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Art History, New York University, New York, NY, United States
Painting, Studio Art Centers International, Florence, Italy
Mixed Disciplines, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO, United States
Mixed Disciplines, Santa Fe International Academy of Art, Santa Fe, NM, United States

2010 Levels of Tolerance, Brenda May Gallery, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Amalgamation, Anita Traverso Gallery, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
2009 Sanctuary Mementoes, Glass Gallery, Northcote Town Hall, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
2008 Sanctuary, Anita Traverso Gallery, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
2002 Transformation, Studio 321 B, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

2010 El Dorado, Off the Kerb, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
2009 The Flower Show, Brenda May Gallery, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Identity, Anita Traverso Gallery, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Cut+Collate=Construct, Anita Traverso Gallery, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Houseguest I&II, Linda Durham Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM, United States
2008 Linden Postcard Show, Linden Gallery, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
2007 A4, Westspace, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
2006 Drawings, M16 Artspace, Canberra, ACT, Australia
2005 Landscape, Corner Stones, Santa Fe, NM, United States
The Future of Fine Art, Gerald Peters Gallery, Santa Fe, NM, United States
Outdoors Exploration, Conservation Trust, Santa Fe, NM, United States
MID/Graduate exhibition, Australian National University Gallery, Canberra, ACT, Australia
1998 Emotional Drawings, Amsterdam Art Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands
1994-02 Monothon, College Of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM, United States
1992 New Mexican Artists of the Future, Sanctuario De Guadalupe, Santa Fe, NM, United States

2010 Kenilworth Art Prize, Finalist, Queensland, Australia.
Williamstown Festival Contemporary Art, Finalist, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
She 2010, Finalist, Walker Street Gallery, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
2009 Northcote High Views, Northern Exposure 09, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
2007 Off the Wall, Melbourne, Art Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
1993 Excellence in Art, Santa Fe Prep, Santa Fe, NM, United States

2010 ‘Levels of Tolerance 2010’, Catalogue.
‘The Art of Tolerance’, Elizabeth Fortescue, Tbreak, The Daily Telegraph, 17 May, p.28
'What Now', Australian Art Collector, Australia, April-June, p.132-133
'Times People', The National Times, Nathanael Scott & Lindy Percival, Australia, Feb
'My Space', The Age A2, Lindy Percival, VIC, Australia, Feb 13, p.13
2009 'Art’s Invasion of High St', Nothcote Leader, Julia Irwin, VIC, Australia, June 18
'In The House', Albuquerque Journal, Kate Mcgraw, NM, United States, Jan 23
'Arts & Entertainment', New Mexico Free Press, Karen Lanier, January 28, p.14
2008 'The Opening Radio', 3PBS FM, Fiona Gruber, March
2006 'Tanmaya Bingham', Art Smart, Fall issue 2, p.6-7
2005 'Zane’s World', Santa Fe Reporter, Zane Fischer, NM, United States, Oct 19, p.28
'Art and Photography', Woroni, Sarah Firth, June, Issue 5, p.34
'Artbeat', 2XX 98.3 FM, Sylvie Stern, June

2007-09 West Space Committee Member, West Space, Melbourne, VIC, Australia


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