Australian Art


Entrance Gates - woodcut
Entrance Gates - woodcut

31/Mar/2011 - 29/May/2011

VENUE: Falkner Gallery
Lake Johanna-Monoprint
Lake Johanna-Monoprint

Woodcuts, Monoprints, Watercolours
Garden Seat - Watercolour
Garden Seat - Watercolour

The Castlemaine Botanic Gardens are celebrated by Margaret Cromb in her series of woodcuts, monotypes and watercolours.

On her early morning walks every day she observes ‘Old people, young people, people on bikes, with prams or with dogs … enjoying the ambience of the Gardens….children in the playground, families barbequing, groups exercising or doing Tai Chi, ducks being fed – all under trees planted years ago, some going back to the 1800s and the days of Baron Von Mueller’.

She describes the dry Barker’s Creek that became a roaring torrent inundating the parkland, washing away pathways and causing many enormous trees to fall. She acknowledges the hard work done and re-done by the men responsible for maintaining the Gardens.

Her exhibition shows the changing appearance of the Gardens - as they were and as they have become. They are a place so precious to us all; they will always be a work in progress.

Her works capture the ducks on the lake in the early morning mist, the blaze of autumn colours of the deciduous trees that used to grow on the lake’s island, the magic of the wisteria archway, children playing beside a garden seat….
Her colour sense and technical proficiency make each of her images a celebration of what the Castlemaine Botanic Gardens mean to those of us who use them.


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