Australian Art


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26/Jan/2010 - 25/Feb/2010

VENUE: Falkner Gallery
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Photography: "The Image - and Beyond"
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Geoff’s interest in the elemental nature of black and white photography began at Portland, Western Victoria. He was attracted to the landscape of the Bridgewater peninsula, exploring symbols in nature as metaphors of the human spirit, weathered by, yet enduring the seasons of life. Other images were captured when climbing in the Grampians and at Mt Arapiles, as well as bushwalking and cross-country skiing in the Victorian Alps.
Using the traditional craft of negative and print, he works with a range of cameras, from 35mm to large format. The prints – on premium grade fibre-base paper – are processed, mounted, and framed to an archival standard.
Geoff maintains; “Black and White …. lends itself to the portrayal of the essence of things, to that which is symbolic and evocative. It presents the viewer with a different way of seeing. It invites the viewer to experience a subject in terms of line and form, tone and texture, light and shade – without the diversion of colour. The darker nuances of black and white can be symbols of the unconscious – of that which Jung called “the shadow of the psyche”.


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