PostCard Project
Postcard Project - Reflections on love and marriage.
As part of this year’s Multifaith Arts Festival the PostCard project offers to show how artists can work and create together as an example for others in the community to cross the borders of religion
More than 80 postcards - linocuts, water-colours, gouache, pastels, silk painting and photographs by artists Rob Hoskin, Felicity Doherty, Rachel Johnson, Mayadda Hussain, Nikki Green and Gay Clarke. Works are all for sale - individually and in sets as framed. This is an initiative of Kinross House and the MultiFaith Arts Committee and is a really wonderful celebration of the unity of marriage and marriage as a metaphor for wider community relationships, as expressed through the religious texts of each faith tradition. Visit www.mfaf.org/06postcard.htm for more details.