Australian Art


Rob McHaffie. Starry, Starry N
Rob McHaffie. Starry, Starry N

21/Jun/2005 - 9/Jul/2005

VENUE: Spacement

Rob McHaffie, Josh Daniel & Sary Zananiri

Opening - Thursday 23rd of June, 6pm

ROB MCHAFFIE - 'Still Lives'

Rob McHaffie has been described by Liza Vasiliou as producing "poetic paintings which suggest ambiguous scenarios which explore a ‘remaking’ of everyday representations". Accordingly his characters examine the complexity of social connections. Yet McHaffie’s enigmatic paintings have an imaginative power and a freshness of vision which offers a unique alternative to traditional portraiture. In contrast to more formal techniques, McHaffie’s photorealist paintings are produced by photographing elements such as images taken from scrunched up newspaper articles or clothes thrown onto the ground. Though the confrontation with McHaffie’s imagery lies in its interpretation, his composition in the end creates a unique aesthetic. Currently McHaffie is undertaking a studio residency at Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces in Fitzroy.


With a focus on architectural ornamentation, Daniel and Zananiri’s work deals with the ephemeral nature of built spaces over time. In this exhibition, they trace the history of a decaying room by documenting and exploring what now seems like a decaying decadence - that of cornices – which speak of a past grandeur on the brink of extinction. Conceptually their aim is to capture the last hundred years of lived history within a single moment of time.


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