Australian Art


Terunobu Fujimori & Nobumichi
Terunobu Fujimori & Nobumichi

25/Sep/2009 - 25/Oct/2009


An exercise inviting artists, architects, writers and philosophers to reflect on the physical and metaphorical meanings inherent in the term ‘shelter’.

Shelter: On Kindness is an exploration, an exercise in inviting artists, architects, writers and thinkers to reflect on what qualities of environment and circumstance afford us shelter in a physical and metaphorical sense. Is a shelter a sense of safe haven, a place to protect ourselves from the natural elements, from the unrelenting pressures of modern life or, perhaps, a place or space to reflect on our innermost thoughts? Shelter: On Kindness examines the ideas of nurture and kindness through the filter of the writings of psychoanalyst and author Adam Phillips and historian Barbara Taylor on the history of kindness. Part of the Melbourne International Arts Festival.


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