Australian Art


Virginia McNamara
Virginia McNamara

9/Oct/2013 - 26/Oct/2013

VENUE: Cambridge Studio Gallery
Evelyn Young
Evelyn Young

“Women artists are still treated differently from men.” Yoko Ono

WOMEN’s BUSINESS is a modern take on Feminist Art, where the passionate responses of the 7 artists reflect their personal stories and interests on Australian women issues.

Cambridge Studio Gallery brings you a group exhibition of painting, sculpture, drawing, mixed media and glass work.

October 9 - 26
OPENING DRINKS 12 October, 2 - 4pm

Susan Gibson, Virginia McNamara, Anne Warren, Evelyn Young, Eileen Gruen, Kathy Siganakis and Beryl White

“Women artists are still treated differently from men.” Yoko Ono

The “Out of the Box” art group was formed by 8 female visual arts graduates in the early 2000’s.
Women’s Business is their most recent exhibition. Each of the artists have interpreted what it is to be a woman in society today.
Evelyn Young has used sculpture as her medium to explore the historical roles that women have willingly embraced or have been repressed by. Young’s “ Chastity Belt” is made of wrought iron and is supported by a giant key embedded in a blue stone rock .It was conceived through examining the issues associated with being a woman during the renaissance period.
“The idea that a fitted garment could be constructed to maintain one’s ‘Chastity’ intrigued me”, says Young. Currently Chastity belts are still utilised for sexual control in some societies and even as anti-rape devices in some third world countries.
Research into the construction of such a garment lead Young to be one of the few females to undertake a blacksmithing workshop at the Mount De Lancey forges under the tutelage of Oskar. This cathartic experience has fed the creation of Young’s art and is a point of connection for all the exhibiting artists; who tend to work emotively and intuitively.
Louise Bourgeois said… “I only work when I feel the need to express something …I may not be sure of exactly what it is – but I know that something is cooking and when I am on the right track –the need is very strong. to express your emotions you have to be very loose and receptive… art is a privilege, a blessing , a relief….”
Another artist in the group exhibition Kathy Siganakis depicts the stages many women go through in their individual journey through life. Migration, relationships, marriage, children, single life, divorce.
The colours and shapes depict her personal response to these things in a way that words could not. She uses collage to give colour and highlight to her work, creating a multi layered effect mirroring her experiences.
In Anne Warren’s images she has drawn a knitted blanket as a comforting skin or a barrier that conceals, protects and screens the outside world. Warren says…. “the reality of what I have drawn depends on the viewer’s perception as the subject that is concealed may appear to be vulnerable and elicit sympathy or alternatively she may appear to be perfectly happy and secure in her space.”
Women’s Business is a modern take on Feminist Art, where the passionate responses of the 7 artists reflect their personal stories and interests on Australian women issues.


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