Australian Art


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26/Mar/2009 - 31/May/2009

VENUE: Falkner Gallery
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A series of intimate tree studies.

Artist statement:The medium of wood engraving enables the vast to be represented on a very small scale. The intimate nature of engraving encourages the viewer to engage with the work on an intimate level. Each silky smooth block of wood is an object of beauty before the first cut is made by burin or scorper.
In my images I try to capture the character of the tree. Sometimes the tree is a nurtured specimen in a botanical garden and sometimes it is the sole survivor of a population long since destroyed. Exotic species have been planted in the landscape for many reasons, once they were thought to be superior, or as a reminder of a homeland. Many have flourished and become significant as historical markers.
Each tree, like all organisms has a blueprint from its parents but it is shaped by the environment in which the seed has germinated. It is the mysterious story held in its branches that I find compelling.
This solitary tree! – a living thing
Produced too slowly ever to decay;
Of form and aspect too magnificent
To be destroyed.

Wordsworth, Yew Trees


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