Australian Art


Uniting Arts Toorak
Uniting Arts Toorak

Uniting Arts Toorak in Kinross House: Is a centre for the development of the arts, it co-ordinates and curates exhibitions, arts and music events. Provides space to nurture artistic development. Enriches the spiritual life of the community. Explores and develops opportunities for ecumenical involvement. Sponsors interfaith events to promote understanding and awareness. Please visit for full details.

Kerrie Lowe Gallery: 603 Toorak Road, Melbourne VIC
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Director: Andrew Blackburn

Phone: (03) 9829 0340

Fax: (03) 9826 3024

Email: Click here.

Open: Tuesday to Sunday - 9.00 to 4.00

Gallery Type: Commercial


8-Nov-07 - 18-Nov-07

4-Oct-07 - 28-Oct-07
  Precious Delights: Noel and Debbie Waite

19-Apr-07 - 20-May-07
  Contemporary Aboriginal Art.

31-Aug-06 - 24-Sep-06

1-Aug-06 - 30-Aug-06
  Postcard Project

1-Aug-06 - 30-Sep-06
  MultiFaith Arts Festival

29-Jun-06 - 29-Jul-06
  THIRTEEN - Portrait of a Teenager

8-Jun-06 - 18-Jun-06
  Aboriginal Spiritual Songlines

8-May-06 - 5-Jun-06
  Ted Billson - Sunlight in Watercolour

20-Nov-05 - 20-Nov-05
  Come and sing Handel's Messiah

3-Nov-05 - 15-Nov-05
  X Section

14-Oct-05 - 30-Oct-05
  Beyond the Mask

25-Sep-05 - 25-Sep-05
  hutes - "In Defence of Classical Music"

25-Sep-05 - 25-Sep-05
  hutes - Australians in Concert

10-Sep-05 - 10-Sep-05
  Ryoko Mori and Rhys Boak - Organ

4-Sep-05 - 4-Sep-05
  Jewish sacred and folk music

28-Aug-05 - 28-Aug-05
  Gammelan and Islamic Music

24-Aug-05 - 25-Sep-05
  The Face of Hope

24-Aug-05 - 25-Sep-05
  MultiFaith Arts Festival

1-Jul-05 - 24-Jul-05
  Neil Howe - BODYSCAPES

9-Nov-04 - 24-Nov-04
  Multi-Faith Arts-Abraham-Faith & Family

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