
nominated for favorite social artist

billboard Worldwide! .@BTS_twt is nominated for favorite social artist at the #AMAs! Vote here: music • charts • news • more | @billboardcharts • @billboarddance • @billboardhiphop • @billboardlatin • @billboardpride • @hot100fest
samstein Washington, D.C. INSANE: A dark money group posted a solicitation looking for a voiceover artist to pretend to be Hassan Rouhani for an ad in which the Iranian president endorsed Beto O’Rourke Via @GideonResnick Daily Beast/MSNBC newsletter: https://t.co/DVURxntWdL Email: steindailybeast [at] https://t.co/N8GNSmiLuw or samsteintdb [at] https://t.co/LpPvQHdIi0 or DM

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